Christian Life
Providing more than just academic advancement.
A Lutheran School provides a caring, Christian environment. While there is a major focus on teaching and learning, Our Saviour strives to offer far more than just academic progress. We seek to ensure that every student has the opportunity to THRIVE in a holistic way.
Our Saviour sees each student as unique, with their own God-given gifts and needs. It is a place where staff, students and families serve and support each other in mutual care and Christian understanding. Together with our fellow Lutheran schools, we uphold an inspiring vision based on the teachings of the Bible, and where each school aspires to provide a culture and ethos permeated by the core values of love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, service, humility, courage, hope, quality and appreciation.
When a family joins a Lutheran school, they become part of a community that strives to be a secure place, and offers warm, caring relationships, and a safe environment. In fact, for many families, Our Saviour is more like a close-knit village that nurtures each child as they build foundations for life.
As a community of Christians, we see our life as one where we are being challenged to give ourselves to God in each moment of the day. To see God in all we do, inspiring us to share God’s love with each other and in our actions.
All children receive Christian nurturing through their involvement in the formal worship life of the school. This consists of daily classroom devotions, planned and programmed Christian studies units, and a Friday afternoon Chapel service called SHOUT, to which our school families are warmly invited.
Class groups participate in coordinating the weekly school worship, while staff gather each morning for devotion, engage in regular Bible Study, and worship with their local congregations.
Community Carer
When parents enrol their child at Our Saviour Lutheran School, they can be assured that their family is entering a caring, supportive community. The teachers, support staff and families endeavour to care for the students and each other in practical and pastoral ways, implementing specific programs to do so, but also by simply being friendly and approachable.
We have our own community coordinator who works with students, staff and parents in a supportive and Christian manner, as well as coordinating the Class Carer program.
The Class Carers are the eyes and ears in our community, watching and listening for families who are going through change and may need support. The community carer also runs the Hearts and Hands program, organising practical support, meals, transport etc., for those families who may need it from time to time.
Pastor's Welcome From Our Saviour Lutheran congregation.
Can you imagine that God has a dream for the world…? Of course He has! He made it after all. And, as the well-known Bible verse says, He loved it so much that He gave His one and only Son to die for it. God has provided a way for individuals and community to live in deep happiness and care for the world and each other.
As such, you will notice that, in addition to striving for excellence in the education field, the school, as well as our partnered church community, aspires to grow the foundations which lead to a solid and happy existence, which honours God and His intentions for us.
The Our Saviour church and school community have had a partnership in this since families first began building their homes in the Aberfoyle Park area.
Together, both the church and school continue to provide a place and opportunity that cultivates connection for growing families, vibrant youth programs, and intergenerational activity, which is so important for community stability.
For example, in recent times, our biannual community fun days have become celebrated as fantastic social events for children as well as a relaxing opportunity for friends, school, and community members to enjoy each other’s company.
The church places a high value on the lives of children and looks forward to supporting the school in many and various ways.